Archive for GM’s vs players

Calling True Astros Fans! Come One, Come All to the Great Wade-Chacon Debates!

Posted in Houston Astros with tags , , , , , , on April 1, 2009 by Astropolithecus

Hello fair readers. Reader. Please jump in and comment on my argument with beckeesh and Cabeza about the merits of Ed Wade, and the demerits of Shawn Chacon. Agree with me, disagree, but bring your Sharpies, some facts or JUICY speculation, and a taste for friendly combat.

 To Beckeesh and Cabeza:

                            Are you both out of your gourds? Your odd, Ed Wade shaped gourds?
Wade is one of the main reasons this team is running at all. HE didn’t fire Jim Hendry, so stop taking it out on him.  He’s certainly not my hero, but I don’t see why he’s so horrible either.  I’m not sure how much you both actually know about the “unwritten baseball clubhouse honor code”, Serpicos, but I readily admit I know very little about it. I rate the players by their performance, what they say in the media, and what they do off the field. Almost none of them are Paul Newmans (Biggio), some are admirable yet conservative Gregory Pecks (Berkman), some are even forgivable scoundrel Robert Downey Jrs. (Caminiti), but Chacon isn’t even a movie star. Tell me one thing he did for the Astros, except pitch well for one month, and then bitch, moan, and strangle HIS EMPLOYER AND CAUSE ALL THIS WHISPERING DOUBT cause he has major issues (maybe he’s a poor man’s Sean Penn). 

 No doubt Wade may have crossed some lines, but until you bring me some bona fide proof as to why I should not only hate Ed Wade but FREAKIN’ ADMIRE Shawn Chacon, I place Wade into the category of solid GMs that helped to build world champions, and Chacon goes into the worm pile, just under Derek Bell and just above Julio Lugo, not only for being a blowhard wannabe machismo idiot, but for being that guy in an Astros uniform and helping to disrupt,distract, and degrade a season with promise, and in a clubhouse I have always admired. Though from the outside.